Blue Marble


Global support for your local insurance programme.

how it works

Launch and manage parametric climate protection

  • Blue Marble will manage the whole venture set up, design a fit-for-purpose index and operate it over the policy life
  • We will arrange fronting & reinsurance
  • Our AgSuite platform digitizes policy and customer administration
  • We have extensive experience setting up new programs for vulnerable crops
  • We help you apply for national and supranational grant applications

Why parametric?

Parametric  insurance (also called index-based insurance) is a non-traditional insurance  product that offers pre specified payments based upon a trigger event. By eliminating traditional loss assessments payments can be faster, with lower transaction costs that improve the product value to the buyer.

how it works

Setup and scale personal insurance solutions.

  • Blue Marble will manage the whole venture set up, design a fit for purpose health, maternity complications or other personal solution to build the safety net for financially underserved populations and operate it over the policy life.
  • We will arrange fronting & reinsurance.
  • Our DxSuite platform streamlines, simplifies and consolidates insurance data exchange to rapidly scale up personal and small business mass-insurance schemes.
  • We support joint grant applications.

Proven technology platforms

Our technology


Platform to design and operate parametric agriculture schemes.

  • Cloud-hosted policy administration system
  • Interactive weather index design and pricing software
  • Database of crop and soil-specific agronomic growth models
  • Mobile customer enrollment app
  • Mobile game and education app
  • APIs for data exchange over complete policy lifecycle
  • Customer and partner web portal for tracking and visualization
insurance protection

Our technology


Configurable API to scale up mass market schemes.

  • Combine multiple interfaces into a single API
  • Convenient set up of new products and distributors via a dashboard
  • Data validation through programmable rules
  • Multiple formats and channels supported
  • Cloud hosting for high security, scalability and availability
  • Compliant with local data privacy laws

Our technology

DX Suite

Configurable API to scale up mass market schemes.

  • Combine multiple interfaces into a single API.
  • Convenient set up of new products and distributors via a dashboard.
  • Data validation through programmable rules.
  • Multiple formats and channels supported.
  • Cloud hosting for high security, scalability and availability.
  • Compliant with local data privacy laws.